
Biotope tour Zwin

The biotope tour is an active 6-kilometre walk in and around the Zwin Nature Park. Pupils discover the typical flora and fauna of different biotopes such as meadows, mudflats and salt marshes, dunes, beaches, etc. 

Pupils and guide measure abiotic factors such as temperature, humidity and salinity and discuss the influence of these abiotic factors.

Ecosystem services, influence of man and climat change can be showed in each biotope. 
Pupils fill in a worksheet to take home with them after the visit.


Max. number25 pupils per group and per guideReserve your school visit with guide
Periodall year round 
Cost price
  • €5/pupil
  • €60 per guide
Departure times9h30, 10h or 13h30
departure times can be adjusted in consultation
Additionnalprovide appropiate clothing and shoes 
  • guide from the visitor center + 1 teacher and 1 additional supervisor for large groups
  • 1 teacher/supervisor free per 10 pupils